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How to Properly Uninstall/Reinstall EditScript MT

First, download the appropriate installer for the version of EditScript MT you wish to re-install (available on the eScription customer center). Then remove the program like you would for any other Windows program via the Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs. Once EditScript is removed, you will need to manually remove EditScript MT files left over. In order to do this you must:

Version 6

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\eScription
  2. Delete the EditScript  folder.

Version 8 & 9

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\eScription
  2. Delete the EditScriptV8 folder
  3. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\eScription or C:\Users\<user name>\Application Data\Roaming\eScription\EditScript if you are running Vista
  4. Delete the EditScriptMT folder

Now, you can run the "downloader.exe" and install EditScript MT by following the prompts. If you are installing Version 8 or 9 on a Vista machine you can follow the instructions listed on Page 7.

There should be a listing for EditScript in the Add/Remove Programs section
