By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Navigate through EMon.
Overview of EMon
EMon is the administrative console that provides visibility into the dictation workflow in
eScription. EMon is used for configuration during the Installation process and for
maintenance after go-live. You will also use EMon to determine eScriptionist workload,
manage rules, find and modify dictations and troubleshoot issues.
EMon is organized by Tabs located across the top of the screen and by Tools menu options.
Several of these tools are enabled/disabled in the Application Features Console which is
also Tool.
EMon Tabs
User tabs
eScriptionist – create and maintain MT accounts
Clinician – create and maintain provider accounts and contacts
Administrator – create and maintain EMon user accounts
Dictation tabs
Dictation – search for and change the properties of dictations
Message – manage dictations on hold or pended
Distribution – search for and manage distributed dictations
Configuration tabs
Business Entity – configure and maintain business entities
Work Type – configure and maintain work types
Application – configure and track incoming and outgoing data
8 Overview of EMon
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Priority – shows turn around time rules; not visible when the tool,
Turn Around Time Rules, is active
EMon Tools and Application Features
Several of the following EMon tools are visible only if enabled in the Application Features
tool. The Application Features tool allows you to roll-out new and existing functionality as
needed and is shown on the following page.
Please contact your Project Manager, Account Manager or Support
Representative, if you chose to enable a feature after go-live.
Change Your Password – change your EMon administrator password
Security Groups – define and manage user access to applications
and dictations
Distribution Rules – create and manage rules for document
Validation Rules – define and manage when dictations automatically
Patient Visit Filter Rules – create search filters in eScription
applications based on ADT information
eAlert Rules – enable in Application Features to create and manage
automatic status reports
RadVantage Configuration – enable in Application Features to
change RadVantage ERT and RIS/PACS
MT Instructions – enable in Application Features to notify MTs of
document requirements
Turnarount Time Rules - enable in Application Features to set
priority based on automatic turnaround time wizard. When active,
Priority Tab is not visible.
Choose Dictations for QA – select dictations for quality review
Distribution – create and maintain templates for text, print and fax
Normals – create and manage normals (pull templates)
Password Policy – define password expiration, usage, length, etc
Manage Certificates –define how users can access EditScript MT
and EMon
Institution Settings
Advanced Settings – advanced institution wide settings
Printer Descriptions – add and manage printer definitions.
Fax Targets – configure FaxScript for batch and continuous faxing
Patient Classes – add and manage patient classes
Patient– add and manage patient types
Patient Locations – add and manage patient loca
Patient Facilities – add and manage patient facilities
IntelliScript Audio Auditing – view suspended, abandoned or lost
IntelliScript PC Configuration – web application that supports Philips
SpeechMike Pro
Server Configuration - facilitate shutdown of IntelliScript as needed
Application Features – enable or disable application features and
tools Institution-wide
QA Grading Criteria – define, modify and maintain QA standards
NetScript Options – define how users interface with NetScript
including time out, searching and signing
Advanced Settings – expedite Stats or define electronic signature
prefill based on business entity and work type
Options – configure how EMon behaves on the local PC.
A detailed description of each of these tools is available in the EMon User
2: Security Groups and Users
By the end of this section you will be able to:
Describe Security Groups.
Manage User Accounts.
12 Security Groups and Users
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Security Groups and Users 13
Security and User Overview
There are 3 types of users in the eScription system:
eScriptionists – medical transcriptionists
Clinicians – dictators, signers and contacts
Administrators – administrators and clerks with access to EMon
Users are organized by tabs in EMon.
There are 3 applications that users have access to:
EditScript MT – used to transcribe and edit dictations as well as
perform pending list management and QA review
EMon – used for configuration as well as to search for and modify
NetScript – used to search for dictations and for electronic signature
Security Groups grant users permission to use these applications. Security Groups are
organized by group types in EMon based on user and application.
For all security groups you can view the history of the group to see when it
was created and if it has been modified.
14 Security Groups and Users
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Managing eScriptionist Security and Accounts
eScriptionist Security Groups
Security groups define the dictation types that members of the group can access. As
eScriptionists, users can access EditScript MT and/or NetScript. There is also an
eScriptionist group that submits members of that group to Validation Rules.
MT Permissions can be filtered by business entity, work type, clinician
and/or specialty. These filters are how “Work Pools” are created.
The following shows the eScriptionist group types and permissions that can be granted:
EditScript MT Permissions Use EditScript to transcribe documents
(edit and type).
Use EditScript to manage your pending
Use EditScript to review transcribed
documents (QA review).
Use EditScript to see reviewed documents
for other transcriptionists.
Search for patient information.
MTSO eScriptionist EditScript
MT Permissions
Same as above; affiliated with a specific
billing group.
Any MT working in EditScript MT must have basic permission to:
Use EditScript to transcribe documents (edit and type).
Search for patient information.
All MTSO security group types require a specific billing group. This limits the
MTSO manager's access to users who are members of her billing group
Security Groups and Users 15
NetScript Permissions Search
MTSO eScriptionist NetScript
Same as above; affiliated with a specific
billing group.
All MTs have access to NetScript until a NetScript group has been created.
Once a NetScript group exists, anyone needing access must belong to the
appropriate group.
Aggregation (a group of
Belong to a group used as criteria for a
validation rule.
Members of this group must also belong to
an EditScript MT group.
A common example of an aggregate group is one with a validation rule that
requires all dictations to pend for new MTs.
For all Security Groups, use the Members button to see all members of the
selected group or to add new members to the group.
Description of
highlighted rule
16 Security Groups and Users
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eScriptionist Tab
The eScriptionist tab is the primary tool for creating and managing accounts for medical
transcriptionists. Through the tab, you can search for existing eScriptionists by last or first
name, you can add new users and you can define how the MT interacts with EditScript MT.
To make searching more efficient, add a common prefix to the last name
that identifies the organization or group to which the MT belongs.
Select an eScriptionist name to activate the action buttons located at the bottom of the
Profile – manage how MTs interact with EditScript MT
History – view an eScriptionist specific audit trail
Properties – view user and security group information
Queue – see the dictation queue for the MT
Make Administrator – create an administrator account for the MT
Security Groups and Users 17
Add an eScriptionist Account:
1. Click Add on the eScriptionist tab and enter required information in the Name tab.
First Name and Last Name, Billing Group, Login and Password
2. Click the Groups Tabs and select the appropriate security group on the left and click
You can right click on any security group name, then click Properties to see
the basic permission related to that security group.
To see the detailed permissions for each group, go to Tools > Security
Groups. Find the correct group, highlight it and click Edit to read. Click
Cancel when done.
18 Security Groups and Users
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EScriptionist Account Profile
The account profile defines how the MT interacts with EditScript MT. The profile is divided
into tabs. This section highlights those profile settings within each tab that are most
commonly used. See the EMon User Guide for more information on these settings.
Admin Tab:
Trap Deletes – leave unchecked if you are using a 3rd party shortcut expander.
Comm Timeout Minutes – the number of minutes to wait for an Internet response before a
time out. If the MT has a slower connection speed, increase this number.
Cache Size Warning – cache size at which the eScriptionist is notified that there is less
than the usual number of dictations in the general queue.
High Priority Level – any number(s) less than this number indicates a high priority
Hours Before Unlock – number of hours after which any untouched dictations are sent
back to the general work queue.
Security Tab:
Prevent SaveAs – prevents saving EditScript MT documents outside of the application.
Prevent Printing – prevents printing EditScript MT documents.
Prevent Paste – prevents copy/pasting from EditScript MT to documents outside of
EditScript MT.
Security Groups and Users 19
Files Tab:
Save Word Docs – automatically saves uploaded dictations to a subdirectory on the local
PC. Best practice is not to check this box.
Remove Untouched Downloads – unlocks unedited, downloaded dictations when the
eScriptionist logs out and send the dictation back to the general work queue.
Release Edited Downloads – erases and unlocks edited, downloaded dictations when the
eScriptionist logs out. Any changes made will be lost. The eScriptionist will not get credit
for work completed.
Login Tab:
Login Privileges – select the access MTs will have to their work queue.
View the work queue – view dictations in her queue.
View and edit the work queue – view and select dictations for editing. This option is
usually reserved for senior MTs or those that are allowed to select dictations for a
variety of reasons e.g. a verbal request from a physician. It allows for ‘cherry picking’.
Admin Privileges – access from EditScript MT to all of the privileges controlled by the
EMon eScriptionist Profile button. It is not recommended that an eScriptionist be granted
this privilege.
QA Tab:
20 Security Groups and Users
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Enabled for Pending List Review – allows the eScriptionist work with pended dictations.
Enabled for QA Review – allows the eScriptionist to review and rate dictations for quality.
Prompt for Work Queue Mode – prompt when an MT logs in to EditScript MT for work
mode selection (depending on which functionality is enabled).
Enabled for RDR mode - allows managers and MTs to retrieve dictations that have been
reviewed for quality.
Transcription Tab:
Pend New Contacts – automatically pends when the eScriptionist adds a new contact;
there is a global setting that can be used for all MTs under the Tools>Institution
Settings>Advanced Settings.
Split Dictation Has Shortcut – activates ALT+SHIFT+6 for splitting dictations.
Load eScription Medical Dictionaries – loads EditScript MT dictionaries at startup.
Always Display Audio Dialog – allows MT to see dictation duration, speed and volume;
MTs also have access to this in EditScript MT.
Prompt on Upload/ Before Exiting – delivers a message each time an MT uploads a
dictation or exits EditScript MT.
Allows Automatic Bulleted Lists/ Numbered Lists – turns off auto numbering/bullets in
Microsoft Word. Auto numbering can be a hindrance in EditScript MT. Best practice is to
uncheck this option.
High Priority Prompt – sends a message to the eScriptionist that a priority dictation has
been assigned.
Security Groups and Users 21
AutoSave – automatically saves dictations when checked. MinutesBetweenAutoSave
works in conjunction with this option.
Cache Size – the default number of dictations that download when an MT presses (ALT+U)
for the first time.
Unlock dictations closed by ALT+N – ALT+N allows MTs to return a dictation to the
queue and get the next dictation. Returned dictations are automatically locked in the MTs
queue until she logs out, unless this option is checked.
Always Display Instructions/ Days Instructions defined as new – works in conjunction
with the tool, MT Instructions. Determine whether the instructions are always visible and how
long the work 'new' appears in the message.
Foot Pedal Tab
Pedal bounce-back - number of seconds (or decimal thereof). eScriptionists can change
this setting in EditScript MT by pressing ALT+O.
22 Security Groups and Users
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Managing Clinician Security and Accounts
Clinician Security Groups
Clinician security focuses on electronic signature, either in NetScript or in another electronic
system. If signing in NetScript, then the clinician must have access to NetScript.
All Clinicians who electronically sign documents (in any system) must belong to a group that
can use electronic signature. There is also the possibility of adding a Clinician to a group
that is tied to a Validation Rule.
The following shows Clinician group types and permissions that can be granted:
NetScript permissions Search
Electronically sign in NetScript
Other Use Electronic Signature
Belong to a group used as criteria for a
Validation Rule
Permissions within security groups can be filtered based on Business Entity,
Work type, Clinician and Specialty.
Security Groups and Users 23
Clinician Tab
The Clinician tab is used to create and manage accounts for dictators and contacts. Using
this tab you can search for existing Clinicians by last name, first name and clinician code.
You can also add new users.
Select a Clinician name to activate the action buttons located at the bottom of the screen:
History – view a clinician specific audit trail.
Queue – see the dictation queue.
Signature Queue – see the electronic signature queue if using
NetScript to sign dictations.
24 Security Groups and Users
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Add a Clinician Account
Most clinician accounts are loaded by eScription at installation. After the system is live,
clinicians can be added using the Add button. Existing clinicians can be configured through
the Properties dialog.
1. Click Add Clinician and enter the required information in the Name and Address tab.
Name and Address information – enter as much information as possible.
Physician Code – an unambiguous identifier.
This code should correspond with the code used to identify the clinician in
HL7 messages.
Insertion Text – three free text fields.
Insertion text can be used as merge fields in print templates if printing from
eScription. These fields can also be used for data mapping.
Signature – signature text to appear in your dictations.
Signature, which commonly includes the clinician name, clinician title, and
hospital name, can be used as a merge field if printing from eScription.
Distribution Preferences – preferences if you are distributing, printing and/or faxing
through eScription.
When adding a contact in the Clinician Tab, only enter information in the
Name and Address tab.
Security Groups and Users 25
2. If entering information for a speaker, click the Dictating Clinician tab.
Dictating Clinician – checked if clinician is a dictator.
Speaker ID – the internal system ID assigned to the clinician; often the same as the
physician code (on the previous screen).
Speaker Code – the number entered by the speaker when dictating.
Export Code – used if the Electronic Medical Records system at your institution requires a
special code for file import.
UPIN Number – the clinician’s Unique Physician Identification Number (optional)
Speaker Profile– a text ID that associates the clinician with an established dictation profile.
A dictation profile is used to implement custom IntelliScript settings.
Specialty – the clinician’s specialty used for speech recognition.
Status – Ready indicates that the clinician is ready to begin dictating. A clinician cannot
dictate on the system until their status is marked Ready.
Business Entity – associate this clinician with a specific business entity.
Telephone keypad sensitivity while recording – set this to High if the clinician’s vocal
tone is the same as keypad tones and talk-off occurs.
“Talk-off” refers to when the human voice is similar to a button tone, and the
phone assumes that a menu option has been selected.
26 Security Groups and Users
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All signers must be part of a group that can electronically sign documents.
Clinicians signing in eScription must belong to a Clinician NetScript Security
3. Click the Groups tab and select the appropriate security group(s).
4. Click the Security tab. If the Clinician needs a login to NetScript, enter a Login and
IntelliScript Login – the clinician speaker code for IntelliScript defaults.
IntelliScript Password (optional) – specify the password the clinician will use when
logging in to IntelliScript.
IntelliScript Login Status – specify an IntelliScript login status for the clinician.
Enabled – clinician can log in to IntelliScript.
Disabled – clinician cannot log in to IntelliScript.
Enabled but Expired – clinician’s password must change before they can access
Security Groups and Users 27
5. If distributing, printing and/or faxing using eScription, click the Distribution Preferences
You can define one or many preferences per clinician by Business Entity
and Work Type by clicking Add Preference.
28 Security Groups and Users
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Managing Administrator Security and Accounts
Administrator Security Groups
Security for Administrators defines access to EMon and NetScript. Responsibilities in EMon
range from managing users, patients and dictations to handling security and rules.
The following shows Administrator group types and permissions that can be granted:
EMon Permissions Login to EMon
Manage People
Manage Documents
Search for Patients
Manage Business Entities
Manage Distribution Rules
Manage Security Groups
Manage Applications
Manage Validation Rules
Manage Templates
Manage Certificates and Password
Manage Patient Visit Filter Rules
Manage Work Types
Manage Application Features
Manage Institution Specific Values
Manage eAlert Rules
MT Instructions
Manage Expedite Stats
Manage QA Grading
Manage Prefill Signer
Manage NetScript Options
Manage IntelliScript Configuration
NetScript Permissions Search
Many of the EMon permissions are related to Application Features. In
addition to enabling a new feature, you must have permission to use the
Security Groups and Users 29
Administrator Tab
The Administrators tab is used to create and manage accounts for EMon Administrators.
Using this tab, you can search for existing Administrators by last name (full or partial last
name) or you can list all. You can search for administrators by last or first name or list all.
You can also add new users
Select an Administrator name to activate the action buttons located at the bottom of the
30 Security Groups and Users
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Add an Administrator Account
1. Click the Add Administrator button and enter the Name, Login and Password.
2. Select a Group on the left and click Add.
3. Click OK when done.
You can create an administrator account from an existing eScriptionist
account by using the Make Administrator button on the eScriptionist tab.
However, you must add the new administrator to the appropriate security
group by using the screen above or by adding the user as a member to the
security group directly.
Pending List Management in EditScript MT 31
3: Pending List Management in
EditScript MT
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Set up Pending List Management in EMon
Login to EditScript MT and Retrieve Pended Documents
Select Dictations and Unpend them
Distribute Unpended Dictations as needed
32 Pending List Management in EditScript MT
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Pending List Management in EditScript MT 33
EMon Set Up for Pending List Management
Pended dictations can be corrected in EMon or EditScript MT. Performing pending list
management in EditScript MT allows you to take advantage of all of the features in
EditScript MT. This includes using a foot pedal.
A prerequisite to the information in this chapter is that you are an experienced EditScript MT
The set up in EMon is as follows:
Create an eScriptionist (or use an existing eScriptionist account) and
enable Pending List Review and Prompt for Mode
Provide Security Permission to “Use EditScript to manage your
pending list"
Enable eScriptionist Profile to use Pending List Management:
1. Select an MT account and click Profile.
The Profile dialog appears.
2. Click the QA tab.
3. Select Enabled for Pending List Review and Prompt for Work Queue Mode.
4. Click OK.
The MT account must belong to an EditScript MT security group that
includes “Use EditScript to manage your pending list” privileges.
Enable for Pending
List Review
Prompt for Work
Queue Mode
34 Pending List Management in EditScript MT
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Working the Pending List in EditScript MT
One of the changes in the eScriptionist Profile was to 'Prompt for Work Queue Mode'. When
you login to EditScript MT, you will be prompted to select the Workqueue Mode, Pending
List Management. Click OK after making the selection.
Pending List Management in EditScript MT 35
Retrieve, Modify and Unpend a Dictation
1. To download a dictation, type ALT+U.
The pending note opens in front to the dictation, indicating the problem.
You can use the following keyboard commands to work with pended notes:
ALT+R – clears the pending note.
ALT+L – cancels the current transaction.
ALT+O – clicks the OK button.
2. Type ALT+O or OK to close the pending note
3. Listen to the dictation using the foot pedal or audio tools
36 Pending List Management in EditScript MT
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4. After the dictation is correct and complete, upload the dictation by typing ALT+U.
You will be prompted to finish the process of unpending and distributing the dictation.
The Review status dialog appears.
5. Type ALT+U to unpend the dictation.
The Additional Distribution Preferences dialog appears.
6. Type ALT+O if no additional distribution is necessary.
Use this dialog only if your institution is using eScription for document
Pending List Management in EditScript MT 37
If you need to send this dictation to a specific printer, fax number or e-mail address in
addition to the distribution rules:
Print to this printer – check the box and select from the list of
available printers.
Fax to this phone number – check the box and then enter the fax
Dialing prefixes will have to be entered. For instance: dial 9 for an outside
Email to this address – check the box and enter a valid e-mail
38 Pending List Management in EditScript MT
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Selecting Dictations for Your Work Queue
There may be times when you want to select specific dictations to review and correct. To do
so you must open and refresh the queue. Then download and lock those dictations to your
1. Type ALT+Q to open the queue dialog.
2. Type ALT+V to view all dictations in the pending list.
3. Select the dictations you want to review (you may want to sort the list first).
4. Type ALT+D to download and lock the selected dictations.
5. Highlight the downloaded dictation that you want to work on and type ALT+W.
6. Modify, unpend and distribute the dictation as needed.
Status Bar Shortcut
QA Review 39
4: QA Review
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Enable Access in EMon
Explain and define QA Standards in EMon
Select Dictations for QA in EMon
Review and Score Dictations in EditScript MT
Access Reviewed Dictations
Help your MTs Access Reviewed Dictations
40 QA Review
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QA Review 41
Manager Set Up in EMon for QA Review
eScription’s QA Review allows you to define your review standards, to select dictations for
review and to rate them. Much of the set up is done in EMon. The actual document review
and grading is done in EditScript MT.
As a QA Manager, you have 2 methods for viewing documents in EditScript MT.
Enabled for QA Review – allows you to review and rate reports.
Enabled for RDR mode – allows you to retrieve reviewed dictations per MT.
The set up in EMon is as follows:
Create an eScriptionist (or use an existing eScriptionist account) and
enable QA Review, enable RDR Mode and Prompt for Mode
Provide EditScript MT Security Permission to "Use EditScript to
review transcribed documents (QA Review)" and "Use EditScript to
review documents reviewed for other transcriptionists"
Define QA Criteria
Select Dictations for Review
Enable eScriptionist Profile for QA Review:
1. Select an MT account and click Profile.
The Profile dialog appears.
2. Click the QA tab.
42 QA Review
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3. Select Enabled for QA Review, Enabled for RDR mode and Prompt for Work Queue
4. Click OK.
The MT Manager must belong to an EditScript MT security group that
includes "Use EditScript to review transcribed documents (QA Review)". In
order to see reviewed documents, the MT Manager must have permission to
"Use EditScript to review documents reviewed for other transcriptionists".
QA Review 43
Define QA Grading Criteria in EMon
You can define standards by indicating a description, deduction value and severity level.
eScription defaults QA criteria based AHDI (formerly AAMT) standards. You can use these
grading criteria, create your own or modify the AHDI standards to meet your needs.
In order to access the Tools option, QA Grading Criteria, you must enable the functionality in
the Application Features console by checking EditScript Client V9 QA Review Modes.
To define and modify QA requirements, you must belong to an
Administrator's security group in EMon that has permission to "Manage QA
Grading Criteria".
44 QA Review
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1. Click Tools> QA Grading Criteria…
These are the default AHDI grading criteria showing Error Description, Error Severity and
2. Highlight an error and click Edit to modify a default criteria.
3. Make the required changes and click Ok.
QA Review 45
4. To add new criteria, click Add.
5. Enter your criteria and click Ok.
You can add, modify, copy or delete criteria as needed.
46 QA Review
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Using EMon to Select Dictations for Review
1. Click Tools> Choose Dictations for QA...
The Choose Dictations for QA dialog appears.
2. Define your parameters for dictations that will be reviewed and click OK.
3. Confirm selections by clicking OK.
4. The Success dialog shows Dictations IDs that match your parameters. Click OK.
QA Review 47
QA Review in EditScript MT
One of the changes made in the eScriptionist Profile was to 'Prompt for Work Queue Mode'.
When you login to EditScript MT, you will be prompted to select the Workqueue Mode, QA
Review. Click OK after making the selection.
Reviewed Dictation Retrieval mode is used to review documents that have
already been reviewed.
EditScript MT opens in QA Review mode. Type ALT+U to get the next dictation or create a
queue of dictations to reviewed.
The process of downloading a dictation or creating a queue is always the
same in EditScript MT regardless of the mode in which you are working.
48 QA Review
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In QA Review, mode you can use keyboard commands or the QA-Review menu.
1. Type ALT+SHFT+Q to open the QA Header. This identifies the MT being reviewed.
ALT+E returns you to the default EditScript MT Header. The Header cannot
be modified in QA Review mode.
2. After selecting the Description, tab through each field to default the Severity and
Deduction. Enter your Comments as needed.
The Description shows each grading criteria as identified in EMon.
Comments is limited to 512 characters.
Accuracy\line calculates automatically based on the number of lines in the
dictation that is being reviewed. The Accuracy percentage is the total
Deduction divided by the total number of lines and multiplied by 100.
QA Review 49
3. Correct the document as needed.
4. Type ALT+\ to enter a description to support your correction. This posts the description
and corresponding deduction to the QA Header.
5. Press Tab to enter the note into the body of the report.
6. Press ALT+U to upload and get the next dictation in the queue.
50 QA Review
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Accessing Reviewed Dictations
MT Managers may want to view reports that have been reviewed for QA. To do so, you must
respond to the workqueue prompt when you login to EditScript MT by clicking, Reviewed
Dictation Retrieval.
As a manager, you have access to any reviewed dictations. This relates to the permissions
in the Security Group that has permission to "Use EditScript to review documents reviewed
for other transcriptionists".
QA Review 51
Access to Reviewed Dictations as the Manager
1. After you login in Reviewed Dictation Retrieval mode, Type ALT+Q.
2. Select the name of the Reviewed Transcriptionist whose work you would like to see.
3. Type ALT+V to view the queue or click the refresh button
You can select specific documents and view the average score of those
documents by typing ALT+SHIFT+% or by clicking .
52 QA Review
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4. To view a specific document or group of documents, type ALT+D to download.
Access to Reviewed Dictations as an MT
There is no additional EditScript MT security permission required for MTs to
view their own reviewed document. The only requirement is that the Profile
be enabled for RDR Mode and for Prompt Mode.
1. Login in Reviewed Dictation Retrieval mode.
The login screen shows the number of new dictations available for your
2. Type ALT+U to retrieve the dictation to be reviewed.
QA Review 53
Documents appear in the order in which they were reviewed, most recently
reviewed appear first.
54 QA Review
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Templates 55
5: Templates
By the end of this section you will be able to:
Create, Access and Modify Normals.
56 Templates
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Templates 57
Through EMon you can add, edit or delete Normals. These are the same Normals that MTs
access in EditScript MT. In order to use the enhanced Normals feature discussed here you
must enable the feature in the Application Features console.
EMon - Interface to Normals Administration.
EditScript MT - EditScript Client Use New Template Chooser Interface.
In EMon, you can add normals to the system and associate the normals with business
entity, clinician, work type or order description. Once configured, an MT can easily access
the correct normal using the EditScript MT Normals Chooser.
To access Normals, go to Tools> Templates> Normals. You may then be prompted to
login using your EMon login and password.
Edit Normals
Delete Normals
58 Templates
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Adding a Normal
1. From the Normals Administration dialog, click the Create a New Normal icon
2. Enter the Tag or name of the template and optional information as follows:
Tag – enter a tag or filename for the new normal. Tags are limited to 30 characters and
must be unique.
Best practice suggests that you define a naming convention for the 'tags' so
that MTs can easily access the correct normal.
Business Entity – enter the business entity with which the new normal will be associated.
To apply the new normal to all business entities, leave ALL as the value.
Speaker – enter the speaker with which the new normal will be associated. To apply the
new normal to all speakers, leave ALL as the value.
Work Type – enter the work type with which the new normal will be associated. To apply the
new normal to all work types, leave ALL as the value.
Order Description – enter the order description with which the new normal will be
associated. To apply the new normal to all orders, leave ALL as the value.
Save Icon
Normal Text
Templates 59
Trigger Phrase – used by speakers to verbally insert a normal into a dictation. Check this
box to enable a trigger phrase. When checked, you will need to enter the trigger phrase in
the editable field.
3. Copy the Normal from your word document and paste it into the Normals Creator (or
type the entire document here).
Consider making modifications to the format of each Normal, if needed, to
coincide with your Style Guide.
4. Click to save.
EditScript MT Template Chooser
When an MT searches for a Normal in EditScript MT, information from the current dictation
is carried over into the search screen. If you have specified a Business Entity, Speaker or
Work Type for your Normals in EMon, then EditScript MT will first show the Templates that
match those criteria.
Otherwise, the MT can type the Template name in the Find Tag in Current Table field and
easily access the required Template.
Information fields
carried over
Clinician and
Work Type
60 Templates
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Document Distribution 61
6: Document Distribution
By the end of this section you will be able to:
Use the Distribution Tab.
Read a Distribution Rule.
62 Document Distribution
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Document Distribution 63
Using the Distribution Tab
Through the Distribution tab, you can monitor and manage the distribution process across
multiple interface types. You can search for documents in any phase of distribution, and you
can assign a resolution status to them. You can easily filter and manage these documents
by status. Options include repeating distributions, canceling scheduled distributions and
creating new distributions.
The Distribution Tab is a great troubleshooting tool if you use eScription for printing and
Action buttons and the right click menu give you access to actions which can be performed
for these distributed documents:
Repeat Distribution – repeat a distribution that already exists. Redistributes the original
document and the original date.
Create New Distribution – create a new distribution.
Set High Priority – set fax documents to a high priority for quick delivery.
Cancel Distribution – cancels the distribution of documents that have been stuck in the
distribution process for too long or contains incorrect distribution information (e.g. incorrect
fax numbers).
History – view the history of a dictation.
You can select more than one dictation when using these action buttons.
Media Type
Distribution selection
64 Document Distribution
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Resolving Failed Distributions
If a distribution does not fire correctly, you can resolve the failed the distribution by
redistributing it and then changing the status.
1. Enter search parameters in the Distribution tab and click Search.
2. Select the dictation in the list.
3. Select Repeat or Create a new distribution (if applicable).
Create New Distribution brings up the standard Save/Distribute Dialog.
4. Right Click the dictation and click Set Resolved.
Document Distribution 65
Distribution Rules
Distribution Rules define the 5 W’s of document distribution:
Who should receive it (roles)
What dictations the rule applies to
Where the document should be sent
When the rule should be run
How the dictation should be distributed
While you may not configure distribution rules, you should understand them.
Overview of how to read an existing distribution rule:
1. Click Tools> Distribution Rules.
2. The Distribution Rules list appears. Select the rule.
3. Click Edit (to read the rule) and go through the wizard screens, by clicking Next.
4. Click Cancel (to avoid making unintended changes).
Action buttons at the bottom of the Distribution Rules screen:
Usage Analysis - view how often a rule has been used during a
specified period of time.
Advanced – distribute pended dictations.
66 Document Distribution
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Understanding a Distribution Rule
Description – the name of the rule, usually indicating the purpose of the rule.
How should the dictation be distributed?
Outbound transcription interface from eScription - sends a
transcribed document to your Electronic Medical Records System.
Outbound deficiency interface from eScription - provides
notification that a dictation has been received by your system and is
no longer deficient.
Print, Fax, Email and/or Signature Queue - sends a document via
print, fax email, and/or to a clinician’s signature queue (for electronic
When should this rule be run?
When eScriptionist completes a transcription - when a document
has been uploaded as complete in EditScript MT.
When dictation arrives to be transcribed - when a dictation has
been dictated and arrives in our system. This is generally used for
status interfaces.
When a document is modified in EMon or NetScript - when
document text is modified. This excludes any changes made to
document properties.
When a dictation is cancelled - when a dictation is cancelled.
Document Distribution 67
The following pertain only to those using eScription for electronic signature.
When a document has been reviewed - when a document has
been reviewed but not signed during electronic signature (cosignature).
When a document is electronically signed and is final - when a
document has been electronically signed in NetScript and is final.
When a document has been electronically signed but is not final
- when a document has been partially signed (dual signature).
Filter Selection
What Filters should be applied - items checked here will determine which filter configuration
dialogs will follow.
Dictating Clinician, Signing Clinician, Work Type and Business Entity are
usually visible in EMon.
Patient Type, Class and Location are usually names mapped to ADT data
using the institution specific values settings.
68 Document Distribution
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Filter Configuration
Items in the right column are the selected filters. Items in the left columns are additional
Only these work types means that the distribution rule will only fire for the work types in the
right column. All except these work types would exclude work types in the right column.
Think ahead when selecting 'All except these….' as a filter option. If you use
this option and add a new Work Type (for example) then the rule will
automatically apply to that new Work Type.
Where and to Whom the document should be sent. You can use this section to determine
who the document should be sent to and by what distribution method.
When you are finished reading the rule, click Cancel to avoid making unintended changes.
Only or All
Except setting
Selected Filter
Document Distribution 69
To view the recipient properties:
Select the recipient and click Change Properties.
Document Label – appears in the distributed document. If you wish to include a document
label, enter the text you want to appear. Common labels include “ORIGINAL” and “COPY.”
To incorporate a document label, your distribution templates must use the
<<IsCopyIndicator>> merge field.
Template Class – enter or change the name of the template class you would like to use. A
template class is predefined, and commonly used to override current printing preferences
when distributing a single dictation multiple times using different formatting styles for each
Email – select to email documents to a specified email address.
Fax – select to fax documents to a specified fax number.
You may need to enter the digits to dial “9” first to fax out of your facility.
Print – select to print documents to the specified printer device. The printer name must
match the name specified for EDT/Print under the Application tab and must be entered into
the database by eScription Support for the rule to work.
Recipients’ preference(s) in their contact properties – when selected, documents will be
distributed based on the recipients’ distribution preferences as specified in their contact
Use this fax target for all faxes – indicate the number.
There are additional options that can be used when signing in eScription that
allow you to send to the recipient's queue for signing or for review.
70 Document Distribution
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Other Tools 71
7: Other Tools
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Configure MT Instructions
Find and Explain Advanced Setting
Explain NetScript Options
Explain How to Expedite Stats
Explain How to use Prefill Signer
72 Other Tools
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Other Tools 73
MT Instructions
MT Instructions allow you to send messages to MTs as they work in EditScript MT. These
instructions specify steps that the MT must take in completing the dictation. You can specify
instructions by speaker, work type or business entity. Whenever an MT downloads a
dictation that meets the specified criteria, the message will be available.
MTs will either see the message in the Header or be required to click an icon in the status
bar to view the instructions. This determination is made per MT in the eScriptionist Tab,
Profile Button, Transcription Tab – Always Display Instructions.
You can also designate the instructions as New for X number of days. This is also set up per
MT in the eScriptionist Tab, Profile Button, Transcription Tab – Days Instructions defined as
MT Instructions functionality is enabled in the Application Features console. You must have
EMon permission to Manage MT Instructions.
1. To create MT Instructions, go to Tools > MT Instructions…
2. On the MT Instructions dialog, click Add.
When a message becomes obsolete, go to the MT Instructions dialog,
highlight the Instruction Name and click delete.
74 Other Tools
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3. Enter the Instruction Name and the Instruction Description.
4. Determine the message parameters by Dictating Clinician, Work Type or Business
5. Click Next and select the specific Speaker(s), Work Type(s) or Business Entity(s).
6. Click Finish.
Other Tools 75
Institution Advanced Settings
With Institution Advanced Settings enabled there are several options that become available
for configuration.
Advanced Settings – set institution wide settings.
Printer Descriptions – edit printer descriptions.
When a printer has been moved to another location the description can be
edited to reflect the new location.
Fax Targets – configure continuous and batch faxing simultaneously.
Patient Classes – map ADT codes to friendly patient class names.
Patient Types – map ADT codes to friendly patient type names.
Patient Locations – map ADT codes to friendly patient location
Patient Facilities – map ADT codes to friendly patient facility names.
It is possible to edit the names of existing classes, types, locations and
facilities. You should not add new settings without consulting your eScription
Project or Account Manager.
76 Other Tools
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Understanding Advanced Settings
These settings are global to your institution. To make changes to any of these values, you
must belong to an EMon Administrator security group with manage institution specific values
Most of these decisions about how these advanced setting will be used are made during the
installation process.
Post go-live, check with your eScription Project Manager, Account Manager
or Support Representative before modifying any of these settings.
Following are descriptions of some of the Institution Specific setting. Explanations are
provided on the right side of the screen for all settings.
Institution Specific Tab
Time zone – the time zone where institution resides for used in all applications.
EMon Timeout – automatically logout EMon users; defined in seconds.
Use Electronic Signature Status – display eScription electronic signature statuses or
identify completed dictations as 'transcribed'.
Pend documents because of new contact – global setting to pend a document whenever
a new contact is added. When unchecked, contacts can be added to a document and it will
not be pended.
Other Tools 77
Search/Transcriptionist/HL7 Tab
Patient Search Type – define if search in EditScript MT is dependent on Patient, Visit,
Order or Dictation.
Explicit Wild-Card Search – indicate if * is required for partial wild card search.
Maximum Checked-out Stat Dictations – maximum number of high priority dictations
allowed in an MT’s queue.
Stat Dictation Priority – specified priority number that defines a dictation as Stat.
Strip Initial Letter from Patient Identifier – allows you to strip the initial letter from the
HL7 MRN or Account number
Column/Fields Configuration Tab
The EMon User Guide provides detailed information on standard common
indexes and their labels.
Audio Import Flags Tab
Various settings that determine how audio recorded in IntelliScript is associated with
patients, speakers and physicians when imported into the EditScript server.
A detailed description of each of these settings is available in the EMon
User Guide.
78 Other Tools
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NetScript Options
NetScript Options allow you to configure the appearance and functionality of your NetScript
pages. It defines how your users will interact with NetScript.
NetScript Options and Header Management is enabled in the Application Features console.
In order to use this functionality, you must have permission to 'Manage NetScript Options'.
Go to Tools > NetScript Options…
General tab
Timeout – log out idle users after X minutes.
Allow everyone to save changes – allow saving even for those who do not have security
permission to do so.
Allow searching for intermediate statuses – search for IntelliScript statuses such as
Display review status information, eSigner permission to override, Only eSigners can
print – options for user of eScription electronic signature.
Other Tools 79
Listing Page tab
Column Type – select the columns that will be displayed in NetScript. The first six fields are
grey-out and cannot be disabled.
Logout Appearance – logout options to use a link or a button.
Disable View Text for All Documents – when checked documents cannot be viewed or
Show Checkbox for Documents with Status – determine if specified statuses can be
viewed and printed.
Default Search Result Checkbox Appearance – determine if checkboxes default to
checked or unchecked.
80 Other Tools
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Details Page tab
Header Fields – select fields that appear above the body of the dictation; Status and
Dictation ID are always visible.
Action Buttons – Standard – select button that all users will have access to; Pend with
Note is always visible to Clinicians who sign in eScription.
Highlighting – if selected, Blanks are highlighted in Red; if selected, Search Terms are
highlighted in yellow.
Magnify – allows users to change the font size of the dictation text.
Enable Full Width Text – allows users to increase the size of the window in which the
dictation text resides.
Other Tools 81
Expedite Stats
There may be times when you want to move stat dictations through the system by skipping
voice recognition and sending the dictation directly to an MT to be transcribed. Expedite
Stats rules can be defined by work type and/or business entity.
The Expedite Stats tool is enabled in the Application Features console. In order to use this
functionality, you must have permission to 'Manage Expedite Stats'.
Rules that overlap work type and/or business entity can cause other related
rules to be deleted. For example, if you create a rule for work type ALL and
business entity ALL, all other rules will be deleted.
1. Go to Tools > Advanced Settings > Expedite Stats
2. To create a new rule, click Add and enter the required Worktype and Business Entity.
3. Click Save.
82 Other Tools
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Prefill Signer
You can use prefill signer to default a value in the header in EditScript MT. This reduces the
need for your MTs to enter the value and reduces the possibility of error. You can set prefill
based on work type/business entity combinations.
The Prefill Signer tool is enabled in the Application Features console. In order to use this
functionality, you must have permission to 'Manage Prefill Signer'.
If an MT needs to change the speaker in EditScript MT and you are prefilling
the signer with the speaker, then the MT must change the signer. The prefill
only defaults once.
1. Go to Tools > Advanced Settings > Prefill Signer
Rules that overlap work type and/or business entity can cause other related
rules to be deleted. For example, if you create a rule for work type ALL and
business entity ALL, all other rules will be deleted.
2. To create a new rule, click New and enter the required Worktype, Business Entity and
Prefill Method.
Other Tools 83
3. Click Save.
Prefill Options:
No Fill – MT must enter the Signer.
If not Speaker, Patient Visit Attending – Signing field prefills with
the Speaker (if he belongs to a security group that provides
permission to sign). If the Speaker cannot sign then the system
defaults the Attending as it appears in the visit grid. If Attending is
not indicated, then there will be no prefill.
With the above option, the system does not validate that the Attending has
permission to sign.
If not Speaker, No Fill – Signing field prefills with the Speaker (if he
belongs to a security group that provides permission to sign). If the
Speaker cannot sign, then the MT must indicate the signer.
If not Speaker, Patient Visit Attending if they can sign – Signing
field prefills with Speaker if he has permission. If not, then Signing
field prefills with Attending if he has permission. If not, then there is
no prefill and the MT must enter the value.
84 Other Tools
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eScription Reports 85
8: eScription Reports
By the end of this section you will be able to:
Explain eAlerts
Describe the Standard OnLine Reports.
Access Reports.
Explain the Standard Management Report.
86 eScription Reports
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eScription Reports 87
eScription monitors your system constantly and extensively for a broad range of
performance indicators. eAlerts are configurable email reports containing the requested
Configurable eAlerts
Complete Daily Summary – includes the current status of the
transcription queue, work done the previous day and pended
Monitor Transcription Backlog – notifies you when the backlog
exceed a specific number.
Inform Additional MTs to start/stop working – notify additional MTs to
start or stop work depending of the number of dictations in your
Inform Additional MTs by extrapolating work completion rate –
reports on staffing levels management to assess whether dictations
are at risk of exceeding turnaround time.
Fax distribution summary (FaxScript Only) – reports on faxes queued
by document and patient account for the previous day.
Standard eAlerts
IntelliScript Status – list of open dictations that may need attention.
AutoScript Summary – speakers that have been set up for voice
Down Time Alert - notifies you of planned downtimes.
There are also standard eAlerts for PrintScript, FaxScript and DVR if your
institution uses these products.
Adding Configurable eAlerts
To configure these reports you must first enable this functionality in the Application Features
console. The option appears in Tools > eAlert Rules.
88 eScription Reports
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Each eAlert type has a unique configuration. A wizard allows you to
configure settings and filters to receive regular eAlerts by email.
Steps to add eAlerts:
1. Select the EMon Tools Menu.
2. Click eAlert Rules.
3. The eAlerts wizard opens. Enter a Description.
4. Enter an Email recipient.
5. Select Type of alert.
6. Configure the type specific settings.
For ease of configuration, set up an e-mail distribution list defining where the
reports will be sent.
eScription Reports 89
Overview of OnLine Reports
eScription Reports allow you to view and analyze data about dictations and their
progression through the system. You can access your institution’s reports anytime through
EditScript Online located on the eScription webpage.
These reports are Excel Pivot Tables; you can access the underlying data
(Excel spreadsheet) from these reports. This allows you to manipulate the
data as needed.
Standard Reports
Contains system, MT, clinician, and backlog data, including line
counts as well as basic and extended turn around time.
Updated Daily.
Contains 30 days of data.
Productivity Analysis
Comparison of edited vs. typed productivity gains.
Updated 3rd day of the month.
Contains a month of data.
Contains eScription billing information for software, maintenance and
transcription services (if applicable).
Updated the 1st day of the month.
Contains a month of data.
MTSO (optional)
Contains MTSO billing information.
Updated according to your institution’s needs.
Contains a month of data.
Feature Analysis Reports (FAR)
Contains EditScript MT feature usage data (6 features).
Updated Weekly.
90 eScription Reports
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Pended Analysis Report
Analysis of who pended dictations and the reasons why.
Updated according to your institution’s needs.
Payroll (optional)
Line count per MT within a payroll cycle.
Updated according to your institution’s needs.
All reports are archived monthly.
eScription Reports 91
Accessing OnLine Reports
There are two methods to access eScription Reports:
EMon Reports Menu.
EditScript Online:, enter the name of your
institution and use your EMon login.
Both methods lead to the Administrator Productivity and Billing Reports
Two Versions of Reports
Each report has two links, HTML and Excel. The HTML version is a static snapshot of the
report. The Excel version is an Excel Workbook that contains a set of Excel PivotTable
reports and charts. Using the Excel report, you can manipulate the data to best suit your
Best practice is to select the Excel version of a report and save it to your
hard drive or desktop so that you can manipulate the data as needed.
92 eScription Reports
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Standard Management Report
These reports are sent to you monthly by your eScription Project Manager. In addition to the
charts below, these reports contain graphs and information about MT performance.
Jun-2009 Jul-2009 Aug-2009
Number of lines completed in system
Percentage of lines speech recognized
Number of reports completed in system
Percentage of reports speech recognized
Number of hours:minutes completed in
Percentage of hours:minutes speech recognized
Number of reports completed by Institution
Jun-2009 Jul-2009 Aug-2009
Median turnaround time in hours:minutes
Average turnaround time in hours:minutes
Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09
Number of clinicians with speech models in
Number of clinicians in process for model
Number of clinicians without enough data to
create speech models
eScription Reports 93
Work Type Median Turnaround
Time Dictation Count
Admission H&P
Discharge Summary
Electroencephalographic Report
ER Admission
ER Visit
Industrial Injury
Nuclear Medicine
Operative Note
Pre-OP H&P
Procedure Note
Radiology CT
Radiology MRI
Transfer Summary